Coincard San Marino motif "500. Todestag Luca Signorelli" Year 2023Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Belgium motif "500 Jahre Münzen Kaiser Karl V." Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard France motif "Paris 2024 die sprintende Marianne" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Italy motif "30. Todestag der Richter" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Espana motif "Altstadt Caceres" Year 2023Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Andorra motif "Unsere Liebe Frau von Meritxell" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Malta motif "Tempelanlage TARXIEN" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Italy motif "DANK allen COVID-19" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Monaco motif "100. Todestag Fürst Albert I." Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Estland motif "WOLF Nationaltier" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Portugal motif "100 Jahre Erstüberquerung des Südatlantiks mit dem Flugzeug" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Greece motif "150. Geburtstag Constantin Carathedory" Year 2023Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Vatikan motif "25. Todestag Mutter Teresa von Kalkutta" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard San Marino motif "530. Todestag Piero della Francesca" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Germany motif "Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Finnland motif "Sozial- und Gesundheitsdienste" Year 2023Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Slovakia motif "300 Jahre Potterische Feuermaschine" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Spain motif "Nationalpark GARAJONAY" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Belgium motif "Dank + Anerkennung" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Latvia motif "100 Jahre Internationale Anerkennung" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Vatikan motif "125. Geburtstag Papst Paul VI" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Greece motif "100. Geburtstag Maria Callas" Year 2023Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Luxembourg motif "Großherzog HENRI" Year 2022Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.
Coincard Finnland motif "Journalismus" Year 2021Very nice and informative coin card. 85 x 55 mm (ISO7810/ID-1)(business card format) without coin.